18 October 2017 CE | 27 Muharram 1439 AH
Hadith Explanation
Eating Fire
Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, “Whoever eats food obtained at the expense of a Muslim, Allah will feed him hellfire on Judgement Day. He who gains a prestigious reputation at the expense of a Muslim, Allah will reduce him to the position of the show-offs and boasters on Judgement Day. He who wears a garment acquired at the expense of a Muslim, Allah will dress him in a garment of fire on Judgement Day.” [Al-Hakim]
This is serious warning to those who justify working against Muslims in the name of keeping their jobs and feeding their children. A Muslim cannot be taken advantage of, let alone abused, killed or turned over to the Kuffar or their allies for the sake of feeding oneself or one’s family.