06 July 2019 CE | 04 Dhul-Qadah 1440 AH

Hadith Online

Ahadith are the sayings and deeds of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad(peace be upon him). In addition they also include his tacit approval of what others did. Ahadith are considered a part of revelation in addition to the Quran. Here you will see a new hadith everyday InshaAllah.

  • Have Book But Knowledge Is Lost

  • Blessed Eyes

  • Protect Your Arrows

  • Eeman Is The Judging Criteria

  • Readying for Death

  • Confused By Prosperity

  • Save This, Spend That

  • Be Careful What You Ask For

  • Soldiers of Allah

  • Bedtime - Surah al Kafirun

  • Greetings

  • How Do You Smell

  • Obsessed With The Menu

  • Which Women Enter Jannat

  • Surah Aadiyat (100)

  • Increase your Love

  • Consistency

  • Charity Increases Wealth

  • Who to Please

  • Reason to Forgive

  • The Size Of The Universe

  • Who Is To Blame

  • Gift or Bribe

  • Property of All Muslims

  • Protect Your Children

  • Ignoring the Family

  • Honesty in the Marketplace

  • Whose Praise

  • Nationalism

  • Book of Fate

  • The Doors of Sadaqah

  • A Muslim’s Prison

  • Boasting About Lineage

  • An Ignorant Judge

  • Purpose of Knowledge

  • Hasty in Judgment

  • The Not So Rich Millionaire

  • Definition of Success

  • Jannah Surrounded by Difficult Things

  • Discarding the Sunnah

  • Glad Tidings to Strangers

  • Defending One’s Property

  • True Strength

  • Purchase Garments of Paradise

  • Who Wants To Be Poor But Make Others Rich

  • A Goodness Through and Through

  • A Dead Lamb Anyone

  • Are You Lucky

  • You Know What She Said!...

  • If You Look Above Then Look Below

  • Sinning Publicly

  • Good In Every Affair

  • The Beautifier

  • Most Highly Rewarded

  • Marital Discord Pleases Shaytaan Most

  • Reward of the Mujahid

  • The Return of The Khilafah

  • Avoiding Argumentation

  • Do Not Reciprocate

  • Is Your Ship Afloat

  • Up To A Third

  • The Third is the Shaytaan

  • Stay Centrally Located

  • After Parents’ Death

  • Empathy and Your Face

  • Lying Blackens The Heart

  • Ask Your Heart

  • What’s Your Legacy

  • Neighbours

  • Ask and You Shall Be Given

  • Would You Get Caught In A Muslim Hunt

  • Stung Twice

  • Diseases Not Heard of Before

  • When Words Count

  • Why We Have Civil War

  • The Conquest of Constantinople

  • Why we have Neo-Colonialism

  • Respect for Children

  • The Nightingale

  • Innocent Till Proven Guilty

  • Lying to Yourself

  • The Best Believer

  • The Fastest Camel

  • Meaningless Work

  • Sightseeing Destroyed Nations

  • Indulge in the Meadows of Paradise

  • Surah az-Zalzalah (99)

  • Earth to Bear Witness

  • Finger Dipped In Ocean

  • SALE – 100% Off!!

  • My Best Day

  • Houses On Bridges

  • Even If Sins Reach the Clouds

  • Understanding Necessary Not Reading

  • Dressed but Naked

  • Seven Hundred Times And More

  • The Value of Daughters

  • Reward of Mujahid and Shaheed

  • The Stars or Allah

  • One Body

  • You Will Be With Those Whom You Love

  • Shielding A Muslim

  • The Best Insurance

  • First to Enter

  • Bad Breath

  • Do You Pass?

  • Eat From What Is Near You

  • Don’t Let Shaytaan In

  • Don’t Feed Shaytaan

  • Pit of Grief

  • When Allah Wishes Good

  • Permissible Envy

  • Three Fingers

  • Mu’awwidhat

  • Charity Not To Rich Or Healthy

  • Lowering One's Gaze

  • Three Types of Soil

  • Never Tires of Good

  • Two Grave Sins

  • Last Day Close When Unfit Rule

  • Euphrates Reveals Gold

  • Superiority of the Learned

  • Malls and Masjids

  • Defeated Nations

  • As Blood Circulates In You

  • The First Question

  • Rewarded In All Cases

  • Patience on Death of Child

  • Intercession by the Quran

  • Give an Encouraging Report

  • Scholars Visiting Rulers

  • Entertain Generously

  • Sulaiman’s Decision

  • Best of Angels

  • Punishment Indiscriminate

  • Fever

  • Wudhu/Ablution

  • Are You A Momin

  • Informed at Time of Death

  • The Date Palm Cried

  • Lawful Sustenance

  • Distancing Oneself from the All-Merciful

  • All Intoxicants

  • Most Beloved

  • Farewell Uhud Visit

  • Convey an Ayah

  • Increase Your Rank

  • Best of Shuhada

  • Authority of the Sunnah

  • Musical Instruments

  • Begging

  • Ridicule

  • Every Disease has a Cure

  • Knowledge for Material Gain

  • No Free Time

  • Don’t Take Sins Lightly

  • The Moderate Muslim

  • Be Cautious to Avoid Animosity

  • Shaytaan Gone During Ramadhan

  • The Reward of Fasting

  • Equal to a Mosquito’s Wing

  • The Superiority of the Night of Qadr

  • Ribat Better than the Night of Qadr

  • Build Real Estate

  • Participate in Good

  • Keys of Paradise

  • Verify Your Words

  • Souls in Green Birds

  • The Blessing of the Sale

  • 6 Sunnah of Zuhr

  • Dogs, Blood, Pictures and Tattoos

  • No Faith, No Religion

  • No Scent Please

  • Taqwa in Settling Disputes

  • Give a Smile Instead of Chocolate

  • Best Wedding

  • You Are Not Blind

  • The Mother’s Pleasure

  • Disaffecting a Person's Family

  • Don't Reveal

  • Should You Boast

  • Revealing a Secret

  • Tax Taker's Repentance

  • Hardening of the Heart

  • Worst after Kufr

  • Speaking During the Friday Khutbah

  • Your Right to Privacy

  • Contentment with What the Prophet Brought

  • The Obligatory Prayers

  • Omens

  • At A Loss

  • Gratitude

  • Gone to Ruin

  • Golden Opportunity

  • What Allah Looks At

  • Reminding Recipients of One's Charity

  • Fasting on the Day of Arafa

  • The Covenant

  • Mentioned in the Highest Circles

  • The Story of Alqamah

  • Bilal’s Footsteps in Paradise

  • Surah Kahaf

  • Wudhu is a Cleanser

  • Experience the Sweetness of Eeman

  • What's your IQ

  • Shaitan's Last and Desperate Attempt

  • Wish for Death

  • Good Morning!

  • Must Not Freely Mix With

  • Four Signs of A Hypocrite

  • A Believer's Death

  • A Disbeliever's Death

  • A Believer in the Grave

  • A Disbeliever in the Grave

  • Seek Refuge from the Punishment of the Grave

  • Recipe for Love

  • Incentive for the Selfish

  • Guarding the Borders of Muslim Land

  • Reward of One Hundred Rakahs for One Ayat

  • Two and Two

  • Useless Treasure

  • How to Teach

  • Smile and be Encouraging

  • The Right Attitude

  • Are Your Answers Ready

  • Ghazwat-ul-Hind

  • Three Lasting Good Deeds

  • Should You Ask for Leadership

  • The Triple Filter Test

  • Like Scum

  • Go Out and Get It!

  • Focus on Yourself

  • Visiting the Sick

  • Bankruptcy

  • Whom Do You Love

  • Excellence -- Ihsan

  • Affectionate

  • The Imam should be Considerate

  • Shortening Prayer for Crying Child

  • Help Your Brother, Wronging or Wronged

  • A Muslim's Six Rights On You

  • Forbidden Seven

  • Grazing Around the Edges

  • Looking at Others' Wealth

  • Treasure Your Capital

  • Righteous Generations

  • Greetings from Her Lord

  • Lifting of Knowledge

  • Good News for the Blind

  • Leaves from an Autumn Tree

  • Homemaking Equal to Jihad in Reward

  • Sharing Domestic Work

  • Spreading Lies

  • The Benefit of Conveying Religious Knowledge

  • Death as a Hypocrite

  • Tawakkul or Fatalism

  • Tie Your Camel

  • Qada wa Qadar

  • Love of the Prophet

  • Belief in Angels

  • Allah's Compassion

  • Warning to Men

  • Farewell Advice

  • Highest Compensation

  • Reward through Husband's Earnings

  • Among the Workers of Allah

  • Daughters

  • Pleasant Attitude with Wife

  • No Obedience in Disobedience to Allah

  • Rules and Laws Today

  • A Worthy Bargain

  • Divorced Daughter

  • Health, Youth and Eternal Life

  • Hearts as One

  • Best Charity Spent on Family

  • Jannah for Patience

  • What's My Future

  • Congratulations

  • Keeping Silent All Day Offensive

  • Sunnah of the Rightly Guided Caliphs

  • Making Up a Missed Prayer

  • Muhammad is the Last Prophet

  • Broke his Sheath

  • If Ships Sailed in Tears

  • A Lesson in Resolve

  • Questions, Five.

  • Free Yourself

  • Asking About the Nature of Allah Most High

  • Ask the People of Knowledge

  • Extra Generous in Ramadhan

  • Natural Phenomena or Our Sins

  • Laugh a Little

  • Following the Funeral Procession

  • Dogs as Pets

  • Surah al Ikhlas - Love of

  • Surah Ikhlas - Virtues of

  • Pass to the Right

  • Protect your Private Life

  • Insignificant Good Deed

  • Minor Offences

  • Every Friday

  • Its on your Face!

  • Decorating Masjids

  • Uthman's Innocence

  • Uthman to Keep his Cloak on

  • Love of Ali

  • As Harun was to Musa

  • Aisha and Abu Bakr

  • Close all Gates except Abu Bakr’s

  • Go to Abu Bakr

  • The Judgement of Umar

  • The Day of the House

  • Traveling at Night, Alone

  • Reliance like Birds

  • Rightly Guided Khilafat

  • Avoid Exaggeration

  • Survival on a Date a Day

  • Extravagant Structures

  • Forbearance

  • Silk for Men

  • Steadfast at Hunain

  • Forty Women to One Man

  • Table Manners!

  • Comfortable in your Gender

  • Black Stone was White

  • The Wife is the Neck

  • Hasten to Break the Fast

  • Delaying the Predawn Meal

  • Reward of Ramadhan

  • Sponsoring a Widow

  • The Prayer of Dawud

  • Supplicating for Deceased

  • Sitting on Graves

  • Commitments

  • Speak Up

  • Be Useful: Live Longer

  • Momin Dies Working

  • A Tolerant Man

  • Pick up the Food you Drop

  • Animals O.K. to Kill

  • The Best of People

  • The Worst of People

  • Eating in Seven Intestines

  • Fever From Fire Of Hell

  • Allah is Shakoor

  • Speak Less and Listen More

  • Superiority of Knowledge

  • Difficult Ascent

  • Surah Yaseen

  • Recite Yaseen to your Dying Ones

  • Ayat ul-Kursi after Fardh Salat

  • Khadeeja's Friends

  • Father's Right

  • Showing Affection to Children

  • Shaytan an Alim without Amal

  • The Greatest Ayat

  • Depth of Jahannum

  • The Heat of Jahannum

  • Pointing a Weapon at a Muslim

  • Surah ad-Dhukhan

  • The Safest Vault

  • Speeding up Burial

  • Killing a Chameleon

  • Gaining Knowledge to Revive Islam

  • Surah Baqarah keeps Shaitaan Out

  • The Grave

  • Piety

  • Tall Buildings

  • The Hour is at Hand

  • What’s Awaiting

  • Focus On This Life Makes Poverty Apparent

  • Fifteen Traits of the Doomed

  • Leave Alone what doesn’t Concern you

  • Love of Muslims

  • Lying while Joking

  • Three Enormities

  • Blessed Madina

  • Bath can be Delayed but with Ablution

  • Bad Dream

  • Superiority of the Women of Paradise over Hoors

  • Settlement on the Day of Judgement

  • First, Second and Third

  • Kind to Neighbours

  • Loudly Lamenting the Dead

  • Fear of Allah

  • Learn Estate Division

  • The Worth of Tears

  • Towns Protected from the Dajjal

  • The Old Woman of Bani Isra’il

  • Going Early to Jum’a

  • I Contradict My Eyes

  • Keeping the Sound Low

  • On the Most Evil

  • An Image or a Dog

  • Holding a Burning Ember

  • Frightening a Muslim for Fun

  • Attacking another’s Ancestry

  • Rinsing Mouth after Drinking Milk

  • Hanging onto the Tails of Cows

  • Curse of the Oppressed

  • Blessing in Sahur

  • Greatest Delight

  • Increase in Loveliness

  • No Mohawks Please

  • Pride

  • Compared to the World

  • Excessiveness in Religion

  • Sitting in the Centre

  • Contending with what the Prophet Brought

  • Acquiescing to Disobedience

  • Sodomizing one’s Wife

  • Trimming one’s Moustache

  • Performing Hajj Expeditiously

  • Breaking a Promise

  • Eating Fire

  • Gambling

  • Withholding Excess Water

  • Gratitude to Others

  • Women Wearing False Hair

  • Displaying Satisfaction at a Muslim’s Troubles

  • Souls in Existence

  • Salam to Angels

  • Height of Aadam

  • Lenient in Collecting

  • As You Will Be

  • Maintaining Relations with Relatives

  • Only Shaheed Wants to Return

  • Dajjal is One-Eyed

  • Surat al-Kahf against Dajjal

  • Water and Fire

  • Duration of Dajjal’s Stay

  • Aasiya, the Queen of Egypt

  • The Insolent

  • The Cruel Woman

  • Ridiculing Allah’s Commands

  • Jibreel's Displeasure at Firaun

  • Angry for My Sake

  • Ninety-Nine Murders and Allah’s Mercy

  • Purity of Intention

  • No Obedience in Sin

  • Cheerful Countenance

  • Silence when Speech is Better

  • Fast of 10th Muharram Atones a Year’s Sins

  • Encouraging Children to Fast

  • Praying towards Tombs

  • Pride in Ancestors who were Unbelievers

  • Rides

  • Prayer on Laylat al-Qadr

  • Be the Wiser Person

  • No One is Perfect

  • Don’t Abuse Time

  • Are Your Two Days Equal

  • Evil Thoughts

  • Brother of Death

  • Good Planning

  • Musa and the Stone

  • Souls in Prenatal Existence

  • Work on a Priority Basis

  • Family of Mujahid

  • Appoint a Leader

  • The Root of All Evil

  • Ahmed’s White Palace

  • Dajjal’s One Time Power to Revive the Dead

  • Madina’s Seven Gates

  • Fitnah of Dunya

  • Dajjal’s Fire and Water

  • Glance of Love

  • Parents are the Gates

  • Drinking Directly from the Container

  • Breathing Out of the Glass

  • Naked Warner

  • Mixing with the Mushrikeen

  • Prohibition to Live among Allah’s Enemies

  • Excessive Joking

  • What’s a Secret

  • Purpose of Marriage

  • Express Your Love

  • Steep Mountain-Climbing

  • Loved by Him

  • As Fire Consumes Wood

  • Permissible Envy

  • Forgiveness except for the Enormities

  • Usury

  • Disease of Stinginess

  • Praying Jumah in the Masjid

  • Fortune Telling

  • Cursing

  • Curse Comes Back

  • Insulting One’s Parents

  • Your Mother, Your Mother, Your Mother, Your Father.

  • Always Alhamdulillah

  • Kindness to Servants

  • The Reward of Salam

  • Protocol of Salam

  • Honouring Parents’ Friends

  • So Allah and the People Love Me

  • Sitting Posture to Avoid

  • Calling Someone a Shaheed

  • Avoid like the Plague

  • What is Jihad

  • The Value of Courtesy

  • Hand-Shaking Wipes Away Sins

  • What Percent Muslim are You

  • Yawning is from Shaitaan

  • Punctuality in the Asr and Fajr Prayers

  • Benefit of Going to the Masjid

  • Proceed in a Dignified Manner

  • Wudhu Washes Away Sins

  • Don’t Let Your Enemy In

  • The Last Prophet

  • Significance of Intention

  • Branches of Iman

  • The Use of Knowledge

  • What Your Heart Desires

  • Who’s Generous

  • Warn Your Nearest Kin

  • A Trait of Hypocrisy

  • The Honest Gardener

  • Eventually Saved

  • Sweet Smelling Flowers

  • Knowledge of Religion - Edible Fruit

  • Quoting to Each Other

  • Friends of Allah

  • Really Deprived

  • Five Pillars

  • Fast will Intercede

  • Leaving Fast without Reason

  • Fast of Tongue

  • Protect your Fast and Qiyam

  • Entrance Ticket for Ar-Rayyan

  • Sunnah to Break Fast with Dates or Water

  • Enter through Any Gate

  • Exam Paper: The Husband

  • Free to Believe

  • The Beautician of Firawn’s Daughter

  • Istikhara -- Best Advice

  • Choices, Choices, Choices

  • Asr Salat

  • Knowledge will Vanish

  • Password Please!

  • Basket of Fragrance

  • Travel to Visit Friends of Allah

  • The Mercy of Allah Looks for Pretext

  • Dead Man Revived

  • Prayer for Fulfillment of a Need

  • Non-Muslim Parents

  • The Ender of Pleasures

  • Do All Paths Lead to Jannah?

  • Rejected Actions

  • Seventy-Three Sects

  • Repeated Time and Again

  • Smoking

  • Pillars of Emaan

  • The Pen Wrote Everything

  • Most Severely Tried

  • The Pebbles of Paradise are Pearls and Sapphires

  • Sweet Basil Waving in the Breeze

  • The Levels of Paradise

  • Northern Wind Will Increase Beauty

  • Death will be Slaughtered

  • The Scissors of Love

  • Don’t Tell Me

  • The People have Gone to Ruin

  • Mind Your Manners

  • Repeating Carelessly

  • Quran Only

  • Permissible Lying

  • Tafseer of the Quran

  • What did You Say of Muhammad

  • You Don’t Hear Better Than They

  • Missing Prayers

  • Presenting Oneself in the King’s Court

  • Thoughts - Your Currency

  • Hating or Honouring Somebody

  • Black Beetle

  • National Identity

  • Gender Differences

  • Thank the Channel Too

  • Genuinely Thank if You Desire More

  • Blessed and Pure Greeting to Show Your Love

  • Roses or Thorns

  • Like This and Like This

  • Every Morsel Sadaqa

  • Same Standards

  • At the Hands of Their Tongues

  • Gift Giving

  • Proclaim Marriage

  • Valima

  • Who’s Invited

  • Hard Work

  • The Cave of Death

  • Cheeks Dark

  • Unprotected

  • Be Choosy

  • No Indulgence in Rebuking

  • Lying to Find Fault Takes to Hell

  • Most Detested of Permissible Things

  • As-Salaam

  • The Hoarder is Wicked

  • Lawful Earnings

  • Vengeance of Allah

  • Crying that is Inspired by Shaytaan

  • A Few Words to Express Grief

  • Illness Removes Misdeeds

  • Blessings May Never Return

  • Obligation of Love

  • What’s there to Forgive

  • Hasten with Janazah

  • Luck or Allah

  • Visit Masjid before Home

  • Sweeper’s Importance

  • How to Mark Graves

  • Forbidden to Hurt Body of Deceased

  • Plastering Graves

  • Better Burnt Than Sat on Grave

  • What to Say When Passing Graves

  • Moving Deceased from One Place to Another

  • Cowardice and Stinginess

  • Do Not Throw Yourselves into Destruction

  • Benefits of Siwaak

  • Times when Usage of Miswaak is Sunnah

  • Cleaning Teeth while Fasting

  • Miswaak - Practice of Prophets

  • Don’t Repel People

  • The Barren Tree

  • This, Too, Will Pass

  • Relieved or Relieving

  • Sixty Years of Age

  • Qunut Against Usaiyya

  • Intelligent Retaliation

  • Saying Ameen

  • One Hundred Good Deeds

  • The Only Thing that’s Yours for Keeps

  • Vows – Nazr

  • Prostration of Forgetfulness-Sajda Sahw

  • The Dipping

  • The Man who Broke his Fast

  • Least Punished

  • The Huge Tree in Jannah

  • No Inheritance between Believers and Disbelievers

  • Meaningful Words

  • Yar-hamukallah not Everyone’s Right

  • Yah-dikumullah - Response to Yar-hamukallah

  • Name Change for Better

  • With Whom You Love

  • Good News for Runners Up

  • Best Talk

  • How to Ask Allah

  • Going to Bed

  • Waking Up

  • Goblets

  • People of the Fire

  • She Chooses Her Entrance

  • The Right of the Guest

  • Muddy Puddle

  • Don’t Abuse the Dead

  • Home Displayed

  • Pious Woman is Half of Deen

  • Gold Rings

  • Jar of Pickles

  • Enormous Potential

  • Tray of Food

  • Donating Recitation to Deceased

  • Insurance has Gharar

  • Making Pictures

  • Nursing Rewarded by the Millions

  • Rejecting an Excuse

  • Believer Embodiment of Love

  • Household Work Equivalent to Jihad

  • What Makes Allah Unresponsive

  • Best Sinners

  • Body Fed on Haraam

  • Intensely Loving

  • Who to Criticize

  • Praying in Jamaat Saves from Jahannum and Fitnah

  • Compliance with Husband Caused Father’s Forgiveness

  • Make Extra Use of Your Sajdas

  • For Pushers

  • People of the Garden

  • Ansaar – The Most Beloved of People

  • Attend to Husband’s Need

  • Fine Speech

  • A Thousand Hindrances

  • Before Last Breath

  • Pulpits of Pearl

  • Gold Mine

  • Ulama Su’

  • Refusal to Wed

  • Free Slaves

  • Disaffecting a Person’s Family

  • Useless and Immoral

  • Slim Real Fast

  • Make Your House Spacious

  • Three States that Cause Angels to Depart

  • Angel of Death Came to Musa in Human Form

  • No Garlic Onion Breath Please

  • Sheltering Innovators

  • The Number of Angels

  • Allah Talks About You

  • Half Body Paralysed

  • They would Draw Lots for It

  • Pulling Back From the Fire

  • Enmity of the Jews to Jibreel

  • Jibreel Led the Angels in Badr

  • Hajj Mabroor From Lawful Earnings Only

  • Praying for Blessings on the Prophet

  • The Beginning of Revelation

  • You’ll be Driven Out

  • What Angels Are Made Of

  • The Size and Beauty of Angels

  • Bait-ul Mamur

  • Three who will Not Enter Paradise

  • Cleanse Yourself Properly

  • Cross Dressing

  • Three Leading Angels

  • Honour the Sensibilities of Recording Angels

  • Noblest Thoughts

  • Slaughtered without a Knife

  • Delaying Repayment

  • An Extraordinary Dream (I)

  • An Extraordinary Dream (II)

  • An Extraordinary Dream (III)

  • An Extraordinary Dream (IV)

  • An Extraordinary Dream (V)

  • An Extraordinary Dream (VI)

  • An Extraordinary Dream (VII)

  • An Extraordinary Dream (VIII)

  • As Long as Rain Falls from the Sky

  • A Ram for You and Me

  • Two-Faced

  • The Tourism of My Nation

  • Expelled from Peninsula

  • Disbelieving Parents

  • Are You a Son of Islam

  • Prophet’s Dua On Return From Taif

  • A Drop, A Clot, A Morsel?

  • Angels Pray for Your Refund

  • Same Thing Increases and Decreases Wealth

  • Gifts of Miraj

  • Guardian Required

  • Twenty Five Times Better

  • Seek to Make Lawful

  • Mika’eel has not Laughed

  • Teaching the People Good

  • Showing Off in Good Deeds

  • Taqwa and Good Conduct

  • A Cow and a Wolf Speak to Man

  • Blameworthy Learning

  • Pressurizing for Batil

  • The Eloquent Hypocrite

  • Clearing a Path for a Muslim

  • Leaving One’s Leader

  • Sustenance from Heaven

  • Peeping

  • Guarding Spouse’s Privacy

  • A Prophet, a Siddique and Two Martyrs

  • Silk and Gold

  • Death of Dawood

  • Sleeping in a State of Wudu

  • Value-Added Recording

  • Preventing Qassas

  • The Woman with Wooden Sandals

  • Resemblance to Eesa

  • Dua

  • Friday: All Wishes Fulfilled

  • The Work of a Man’s Own Hand

  • No Might nor Power Save with Allah

  • Eat from the Sides

  • Eat Together

  • Eat to Live or Live to Eat

  • A Dropped Morsel

  • Barakah of Shared Food

  • All for a Rope

  • Worse then Doing Away with the World

  • When Blood Lawful

  • Denying Yourself Entrance

  • Change Our Concerns

  • Retaliation

  • Final Prophet

  • Pluralism Rejected

  • Allah’s Summons

  • Vomiting During One’s Fast

  • Treachery of Banu Qurayza

  • Al-Ghabn

  • Make Dua After Burial

  • Mouth to the Trumpet

  • Last Third of Night

  • Seat Grabber

  • Lying Down on One’s Belly

  • One Shoe On and One Shoe Off?

  • On with Right, Off with Left

  • How Many Beds

  • Hazrat Mahdi will Bring Justice

  • Lineage of Imam Mahdi

  • Hazrat Mahdi’s Looks

  • Black Flags from Khorasan are Mahdi’s

  • Crawl Over Ice to Reach Mahdi

  • Mahdi’s Helpers

  • The Assassination of Nafs Zakiyya

  • Pledge of Allegiance to Hazrat Mahdi

  • Bloodshed at Mina Prior to Mahdi’s Oath

  • Mahdi Unknown to Himself

  • Blessings on Yemen and Shaam

  • Worst Container

  • Dajjal’s Emergence (II) - Claims of Prophethood and Divinity

  • Headquarters of Muslims during the Great Battle

  • The Battle in Syria (I)

  • The Battle in Syria (II)

  • Sirat Mustaqeem

  • Dajjal’s Emergence (I) - Between Shaam and Iraq

  • Dajjal’s Emergence (III) – Muslims on Jabal Dukhan

  • Dajjal will Rule Iraq

  • Dajjal’s Punishing and Rewarding People

  • Eesa Will Break The Cross

  • Descent of Eesa ibn Maryam

  • Morning Prayer with Eesa ibn Maryam

  • Dajjal’s Death at the Gate of Ludd

  • Thirty False Prophets

  • Blessings of Earth Restored

  • Seven Years of Peace

  • Take to At-Toor

  • Besieged at Toor

  • Removal of Yajuj and Majuj

  • Wind That Will Take Away the Souls

  • Mongols and the Signs of the Hour

  • The Beast of the Earth

  • The Beast Strikes with the Ring

  • The Ten Near Signs

  • Stopping a Wrongdoer

  • Jannah Unimaginable

  • Wasted on Lavish Buildings

  • Building a Masjid

  • Deeds A Mirage?

  • Formula for Rain of Blessings

  • Acceptance of Dua Guaranteed

  • Backgammon

  • Like Resting in the Shade of a Tree

  • White Hair is Noor

  • Best Names for Boys

  • Attacking A Muslim

  • A Snapshot of Jannah

  • Worship Provides For World

  • Bathhouses

  • Poorly Hosted, What Should I Do?

  • Antidote for Harshness

  • The Poor Giving Sadaqa

  • Seven Dates Sufficed

  • Sheepdog Instead Of Sheep

  • A River In A Matchbox

  • Duas Not Accepted

  • No Perfume

  • Clean Up Time

  • Monopoly

  • Sins Like Sea Forgiven

  • Are We Brothers and Helpers?

  • If You See an Afflicted Person

  • Cover Your Drink

  • Rinse after Milk

  • Share with Others

  • All Drinks that Intoxicate

  • Trailing Clothes

  • Artificially Lengthening Hair

  • Illness of a Mushrik

  • Lian

  • Mourning Period

  • Are Finders Keepers?

  • Without Extravagance or Conceit

  • Silk in One Place Only

  • Start Combing from Right

  • Qareens - Two Always With You

  • Adhaan in Wilderness

  • Devils in Gaps - Stand Shoulder to Shoulder

  • Bells

  • No Greater Temptation

  • Angels Attend Funerals

  • Kiraaman Kaatibeen - Recording Angels

  • Delay of Six Hours

  • Express Courier Service Takes Our Salaam

  • Jibreel's Real Form

  • The Angels Washed Adam

  • Jannah through Sisters

  • Most Hated

  • Zaqqoom, The Food of Jahannum

  • Simple Dress

  • Rudeness is in the Fire

  • Have an Angel Make Dua for You

  • One Whom Allah Loves

  • Haste is from Shaitaan

  • Learn the Laws of Inheritance

  • No Inheritance between Them

  • Poor Dependants Responsibility of State

  • Grave Widens for Believer

  • Grave Constricts for Disbeliever

  • The Sign of the Camel

  • Seventy Snakes

  • Measuring the Barley

  • Bridling One's Rage

  • Your Wishes Take Nothing Away From the Ocean

  • Two Wolves Free Among Sheep

  • We Are Riders Seeking Shade

  • Kisra's Successor

  • Your Friend's Religion Is Yours

  • Loving to Meet Allah

  • Providing for Widows and Orphans

  • You Might Try Exchanging Yourself with Your Children

  • Jannah Barred For Mistreater

  • Treating Servants Well

  • The Mother of the Quran

  • Double Reward for Weak Student

  • Students and Teachers of Quran

  • Miskeen

  • Insulting Allah

  • Truffles for the Eye

  • Abdullah bin Salam becomes a Muslim (I)

  • Abdullah bin Salam becomes a Muslim (II)

  • Traders, Give Sadaqah

  • False Advertising

  • Vinegar Excellent Condiment

  • Honest Trader is Companion of Prophets

  • No Wedding, No Meat, No Bed?

  • Marry If You Can, Otherwise Fast

  • Best of Sinners

  • Perfection of Faith

  • The Truth Brings Tranquility

  • Who is Better?

  • Poor Enter First

  • Goodness of the Good Won't Save

  • As Leaves Off a Dry Branch

  • Bring Goodness to Your Homes

  • In Line with Other Muslims

  • Hell for Mistreating Allah's Creation

  • Recite Seven Times for Cure

  • Lying To Make People Laugh

  • Hidden Except Face and Two Hands

  • Don't Touch

  • Seal My Lips When Angry

  • Allah is Above the Heavens

  • Jahilliya in Me?

  • Long for the Heart of a Bird

  • Traits Leading to Happiness and Ruin

  • The Market of Jannah

  • Invited From All Eight Gates

  • Plant a Tree

  • Bathing Obligatory for Attendance

  • Lawful Means

  • Benefit Your Brother

  • Take the Blame

  • Live Forever and Die Tomorrow

  • Seeing Allah is Most Precious

  • First Ummah to enter Jannah

  • First Person to Enter Jannah

  • First of Muslim Ummah to Enter Jannah

  • No Questioning for 70,000

  • Why No Questioning For 70,000

  • Poor in Majority

  • Make Room

  • Sinners Among Believers

  • The Leaders of the Women of Jannah

  • A Tent in Jannah

  • Jannah's Soil is Musk

  • Visit Cemeteries

  • No Body Hair in Jannah

  • A Woman of Jannah

  • Prayer for Host

  • What is Hospitality?

  • Observing the Customs of Non-Muslims (II)

  • When Life Underground Is Preferable

  • Be as the Companions of Eesa

  • Reward for Washing a Corpse

  • Wedding Greetings

  • Love and Sincerity

  • Response of I Love You

  • Name, Father's Name, Family

  • Mingle because Aloofness Disliked

  • Smile the Most

  • You Can Take A Back Seat

  • Huge Size of the People of Jahannum

  • Khabaal for Drinkers

  • Lock Your Doors

  • Practice What You Preach

  • First to Institute

  • Each of Us Will Inherit

  • Which Sects Are In Hell?

  • Lying about the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam)

  • Killing a Muslim

  • Killing a Muslim in Three Cases

  • Seven Sins that Condemn to Hell

  • Imitating Allah in Creation

  • Camel Hump Hair and Hijaab Styles

  • Vessels of Gold and Silver

  • Chopping Down Shade Trees

  • Weak and Oppressed in Paradise

  • Jannah in Exchange for Poverty Spent in Obedience

  • Children of Muslims in Jannah

  • Morning and Evening

  • Rise As You Recite

  • In Less Than Three Days

  • Shoe-lace or Salt, Ask Allah

  • Stir the Sugar

  • Wish for Everybody in Prayer

  • First Shake Your Socks

  • Old Dress

  • Dua for New Dress

  • Keep a Caring Attitude

  • Food to Family of Deceased

  • Minimum Bathing

  • Clothes White

  • Clean Masjid en route to Jannah

  • Masjid in Mind

  • Mahr of Hoor

  • Serve Your Parents

  • Four Folds or Two?

  • Mattress of Palm Tree Bark

  • Revenge

  • Indecent Speech

  • Mirror Mirror on the Wall

  • Exchange Gifts

  • Overstaying Welcome

  • Reward Your Host

  • Sign of Faith: Simplicity of Dress

  • Favourites of Allah

  • Rich Dressing Simply

  • Misers Cursed

  • Clothing a Muslim

  • Unlawful for Hell to Consume

  • Necessary Education

  • The Day Will Come

  • Grave's Call

  • Entering Graveyard Dua

  • Istighfaar for Parents

  • Eclipse Prayer

  • Birth of a Girl

  • Shield Against Jahannum

  • Ibraheem’s Death

  • Observing the Customs of Non-Muslims (I)

  • Itikaf of Ten Years

  • Leadership's Obligations

  • Commencement of Adhan

  • Interval between Adhaan and Iqaamah

  • Unfulfilled Wishes Converted to Good Deeds

  • Disbelief after Belief

  • Umar’s Eeman

  • Overcome Your Devil

  • Various Types of Jinn

  • Jinn Disturbs Prayers

  • Origin of Jinn

  • Jinns Seen by Dogs and Donkeys

  • Roosters See Angels

  • Horns of Shaytaan

  • Jinn Eat and Drink

  • Jinn Eavesdrop on Angels

  • Keep Devils Away With Aayat Al-Kursi

  • Jinn or Snake?

  • Jinn Transformed as Punishment

  • Jinn become Muslims

  • In Wait on the Paths of Islam

  • Khinzab Devil Confuses in Prayer

  • Crossing in Front of Praying Person

  • Jinn Can Cause Nightmares

  • Extinguish Your Lamps

  • Jinn Drinking with You?

  • Jinn Induced Madness

  • Iblees Leads Assault

  • Iblees Doesn't Tire

  • Laziness is from Shaytaan

  • Urine of Shaytaan is Laziness

  • Jinn in the Séance Room

  • Horoscopes, Fortune-Tellers and Astrologers

  • Follower of Fortune-Teller or Prophet?

  • Expel Shaytaan with Sajda

  • Recite before Entering Bathroom

  • Ball or Muslim?

  • Vault of Fate

  • Qul and Muwadhatayn for Protection

  • Loner Attacked

  • Jamaah Necessary Wherever You May Be

  • Give and Take with Right

  • Charge Yourself with Siesta

  • Fortress of Dhikr

  • Colour of Skin

  • Lowlier than a Dung Worm

  • Crossing Thorny Fields

  • Questioning About Delights

  • Race Not an Indicator

  • Relationship with Prophets

  • Makkah Beloved

  • Importance of InshaAllah

  • Orchards in Arabia Again

  • Urinating Here Reproachable

  • Urinating in Stagnant Water

  • Untreated Sewage

  • Exposing People to Excreta

  • Cancel Trip if Hear of Plague

  • Venturing Out Deprives of Reward

  • Jealousy and Faith Mutually Exclusive

  • Jealousy Destroys like Fire

  • Livelihood Distributed from Fajr to Sunrise

  • Ummah's Most Blessed Time

  • Journeying Alone Discouraged

  • Camp Together

  • Overpowering Heart of a Believer

  • Modesty before Allah

  • Charity or Snake

  • Quarrelsome Debaters

  • Misled by Debaters after Guidance

  • Like Cow Chewing Cud

  • Falsehood is Falsehood Big or Small

  • Untruths and Eemaan Don't Mix

  • Death of Heart in Falsehood

  • Blackening of Heart

  • List We Are On

  • Bound to be Beheaded but Freed

  • Virtue Saves from Consequence of Wickedness

  • Clinging Devils

  • Nothing Remains Except the Shoulder

  • Financial Planning

  • Oath on Sadaqah

  • Oath on Patience

  • Oath on Begging

  • Undressing for Charity Objectionable

  • Family Counts in Sadaqah

  • Ignoring Relatives for Charity to Others

  • Hypocrite like Senseless Camel

  • Excreta Resembles World

  • Yellow and Gold

  • Extra Clothes for Friday

  • Carnal Desires and Wayward Bellies

  • Net Over Us

  • Identification of Muslims by Wudhu

  • Cleanliness Prerequisite for Prayer

  • Old Man Young Hopes

  • Valleys Full of Gold

  • Prayer Not Accepted (I)

  • Prayer Not Accepted (II)

  • Prayer Not Accepted (III)

  • Our Aggression against Other Muslims

  • Unconscious with Trumpet-Blast

  • Quick Onset of the Hour

  • Israfeel Ready to Blow Trumpet

  • Black Dot on Friday

  • Friday's Significance

  • Coccyx Seed for New Body

  • Naked on Day of Resurrection

  • Visualize the Day of Resurrection

  • Clothing on the Day of Resurrection

  • Ibraheem First to be Clothed

  • Earth's Transformation on Day of Resurrection

  • Darkness before the Bridge

  • Heavens Rolled Up

  • Kings Called to Account

  • Nearness of Sun on the Day of Judgement

  • Immersed in Sweat According to Deeds

  • Useless Deeds

  • Limbs will Witness against Self

  • Zakaat Evaders Branded with Fire

  • Conceited will be Like Ants

  • Reins of Fire

  • Painfully Tormented (1)

  • Mouse Hole Yields Rizq from the Unseen

  • Painfully Tormented (2)

  • Painfully Tormented (3)

  • Painfully Tormented (4)

  • Burping

  • Rich will be Poor

  • Betrayers Humiliated

  • Ruler’s Betrayal Worst

  • Stolen Wealth on Shoulders

  • Tongues of Fire

  • Rich Begging

  • Qiblah’s Direction Honoured

  • Knotting Barley

  • Eavesdropping

  • Joining of Two Securities

  • In Shade on the Day of Judgement

  • Jannah through Serving Parents

  • Leniency in Collection

  • Overlooking the Faults of Muslims

  • Just in Families and Elsewhere

  • Virtues of Shaheed

  • Overflowing Wounds

  • Interval between Two Milkings

  • Fast for a Lifetime in a Day

  • Muraabit’s Rewards

  • Control Your Anger

  • Free a Believing Slave

  • Longest Necks

  • Grey Hair Brings Many Blessings

  • How Last Ummah will be Recognized

  • Saved for Me

  • Intercession on the Day of Judgement (I)

  • Intercession on the Day of Judgement (II)

  • Intercession on the Day of Judgement (III)

  • Intercession on the Day of Judgement (IV)

  • Bishr the Barefoot

  • Owners Rights

  • Rewarded both Places if Pure of Shirk

  • Forgiven if Muwahhid

  • Quran’s Each Letter Worth Ten Hasanaat

  • Heavy in Balance but Light on Tongue

  • One Prayer Rewarded As Ten

  • Seven Hundred Camels in Exchange for One

  • Fasting Recompensed Without Measure

  • The Reward of Sufferers

  • Last to Emerge from the Fire

  • Earth’s Information

  • Gratitude for Blessings

  • Health Better than Riches

  • I Saw I Heard I Know

  • Questioned First About on Day of Resurrection

  • Questioning versus Presentation of Account

  • Gentle Examination of Account

  • Vain Despite Apparently Good (I)

  • Vain Despite Apparently Good (II)

  • Vain Despite Apparently Good (III)

  • Allah is Present with the Sick

  • Creatures Rights Restored on Day of Judgement

  • Exchange of Deeds

  • Victim’s Retaliation on Day of Judgement

  • Humble before Tongue

  • Zakah, Fasting, Prayer, all Go to Others

  • Your Retaliation

  • Zulm will be Zulumaat

  • Killer Dragged by Forelock

  • Judgement on Murders First

  • Huge Balance

  • Zikr Weighed

  • Physical Forms of Surahs

  • Records, Deeds, Person, All Weighed

  • Good Conduct

  • Keeping a Horse

  • Hawd of Kawthar

  • Kawthar’s Drink Refused to Whom?

  • Crossing the Bridge over Hell

  • Like Lightning or Crawling

  • You Will See Allah

  • No Light for Hypocrites

  • Funeral Prayers Induce Pious Deeds

  • Noor of Believers

  • You will Recognize Your Home in Jannah

  • Hearing unlike Seeing

  • Lift a Ton of Metal

  • I Swear Musa would Follow Me

  • Gentleness Beautifies

  • Unsuccessful Fisherman

  • Allah’s Name: Al-Hakeem

  • Heart Occupied by Allah

  • Manner of Advising

  • Impress By Love

  • Be like a Bee

  • Criticize Indirectly

  • Slap a Lion

  • Child of the Hereafter?

  • Utter Thoughtfully

  • Value of Bismillah

  • Jamaat Could Line Up Any Time

  • Al-Kabeer

  • Al-Mutakabbir

  • Surah Waqiah Shields Against Starvation

  • Protection from Wealth and Poverty

  • Distance Yourself from a Bad Death

  • Earliest Return for Silah Rehmi

  • Inquire About Relatives

  • You Were Like Spit

  • Death Anniversaries and Prolonged Mourning

  • Mourning for Husband

  • Never Have I Received

  • Ungrateful Wife

  • Quraishi Women Praised

  • Ar-Razzaq

  • Rizq is of Two Kinds

  • Al-Baari – The Maker of Order

  • Pill for Envy

  • Courteous like Haaritha ibne Numaan

  • The Cycle of Conduct

  • Obedience to Parents Opens Doors to Paradise

  • Quick Onset of Punishment

  • Land Grabbers and Occupiers

  • Visitors of Allah

  • Discovery of a Shroud Thief

  • Greed Destroys Deen

  • On the Back of Every Fish

  • Unlawfully Earned Food Fattens for Hell

  • Unlawful Food Bars Acceptance of Dua

  • Only One Tenth from the Sewers

  • Breadwinners Effort and Restraint

  • Baitul Muqaddas’s Angel’s Proclamation

  • Unlawfully Earned Money is like Wine

  • Unlawful Food makes My Limbs Disobedient

  • When in Doubt, Clarify

  • A Hundred Pilgrimages a Day

  • Keeping Away from Rulers

  • Visiting Rulers Hated by Allah

  • Who Should be Visited by Whom

  • Praising Transgressors

  • Honouring Transgressors Destroys Islam

  • How to Recognize Scholars who are Thieves

  • Ruler and Allah in Opposite Directions

  • Forbearance and Patience Most Loved

  • Religious Scholar Mingling with Officials Most Cursed

  • Fifty Thousand Books of Account

  • Are You Easy to Socialize With?

  • Price also Forbidden

  • I am the Best of You to My Family

  • Don’t Stare

  • Nearest to Allah in Home

  • Mother takes Custody

  • Loving Looks bring Allah’s Mercy

  • Holding Hands

  • Same Act Rewarded in Marriage

  • The Culture of Islam

  • Don’t Rush

  • Urged to Treat Kindly

  • Greatest Pleasure is in Prayer

  • As Much as Ayyub’s Reward

  • Get Married

  • I Don’t Bear Witness

  • Bodies that Don’t Rot

  • Your Heart On A Tray

  • Going After Mugs

  • Az-Zaahir – The Manifest One

  • Al-Baatin – The Hidden One

  • Al-Khaaliq – The Inventor and Creator

  • Masjid Go-er has Faith

  • Jump Up for Prayers

  • Wasted Mountains

  • Sincerity and Insincerity

  • Good Deeds Rewarded by Intentions

  • Understanding of the Deen

  • Treading the Path to Knowledge

  • Polish Your Heart

  • Unnecessary Talking

  • Imprison My Tongue

  • Poisoned Arrows

  • Restrict the Pathways of Shaitaan

  • Don’t Eat Your Fill

  • Zikr is to Us Like Water is to Fish

  • Zikr

  • Repentance and Forgiveness

  • Asking Allah is Worship

  • Not Asking Allah is Arrogance

  • Your Hands Won’t Be Lowered Empty

  • Keep on Asking from Allah

  • Definitely Get One of Three

  • Important When Asking Allah

  • Special Times for Dua

  • Asking Allah to Bless His Messenger

  • Miserly Beyond Words

  • Roaming Angels Take Salaams

  • Frequently on Fridays

  • While Waiting In Line

  • How to Send Blessings on the Prophet

  • Tahajjud for Attractiveness

  • Tahajjud’s Eleven

  • Urine of Shaytaan

  • Un-muddle Your Heart

  • Ice in the Sun

  • Zuhud’s Three Stages

  • Evil in the Self and Deeds

  • The Three States of Self

  • How to Work for the Ocean

  • Clear and True Faith

  • Ask Yourself Two Questions

  • Sharing Feelings with Allah

  • Dua for Life’s Hiccups

  • Misfortunes Enrich You for Day of Judgement

  • Grateful Servant

  • How to be Grateful

  • Gratitude for Increase in Blessings

  • Show Love through Obligatory Deeds

  • Contentment versus Patience

  • The Field of Life

  • Hope versus Stupidity

  • Knowledge Produces Fear of Allah

  • What Fear Does For You

  • If You Knew

  • This Day Never to Return

  • Destination is Beyond Life

  • How is Your Mattress?

  • Worlds Apart But in Competition

  • In What Way Is This World Disapproved Of?

  • Treasures of Life for Who Don’t Want Them

  • What’s there to Ask Forgiveness for?

  • True Repentance

  • Allah’s Pleasure At My Repentance

  • Anger can be Converted to Noor

  • Who Will Allah Owe Something To?

  • Punishment Withheld from Forbearer

  • The Prize for Self Control

  • Anger Like Aloe

  • Animals Not Chairs

  • Who Overpowers Whom

  • Anger and Revenge are From Fire

  • Tolerance is the Trait of Prophets

  • What To Say When Angry

  • When Angry Sit Down and Lie Down

  • When Angry Stay Silent

  • Extinguish Anger With Water

  • Types of People Anger Wise

  • Purity is Half of Faith

  • Purity Necessary for Prayer

  • First Place Holders

  • The Slave Who Taught Manners

  • Realize Who It Is From

  • The Air Conditioning of Worship

  • Abandon Sins to Befriend Allah

  • Highest Levels for the Ulama

  • Fortunate Granted Recognition of Allah

  • Companionship

  • Paradise is on High Ground

  • Learning can Save from Hell

  • Regret Necessary

  • Policy towards the Companions

  • Who Criticises the Companions

  • Heretics Abuse the Companions

  • The Time for Seclusion (I)

  • The Time for Seclusion (II)

  • The Time for Seclusion (III)

  • Quran Only Approach is Wrong

  • Human Heart Flip Flops

  • Abandon Argumentation

  • Beware of Argumentation

  • Disputation is the Gate of Heresy

  • Forbearance Required of Muslims

  • Strand of Hair Approach

  • We Deal with Hearts

  • The Good Deeds Shaver

  • Reflect Upon the Creation

  • Self-Centred or Allah-Centred

  • He Never Hit A Woman

  • Backbiting Rulers is not Backbiting

  • Unveil Faults Where It Can Prevent Harm

  • Expiation of Backbiting

  • A Maligning Word can Take to Hell

  • What Remains

  • Bright Faced or Scared

  • Piety in Personal Life

  • Dressing and Walking Plainly

  • Prevention is Better than Cure

  • Royalty is Escorted

  • Going Out Unnecessarily

  • Reward of Jihad for Staying at Home

  • Allah's Curse on Lookers and Exhibiters

  • Looking Away brings Sweetness to Worship

  • Molten Lead in Whose Eyes

  • Black Faces on the Day of Judgement

  • Don't Sit on the Roadside

  • Saved from Seeing Hell

  • Shaitaan's High Expectations

  • Looking at Men

  • Keep a Curtain in Between