Hadith Explanation
In Wait on the Paths of Islam
The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “The Shaytaan lies in wait on the paths of the children of Adam, and he lies in wait on the path of Islam, and says, ‘Will you become Muslim and forsake your religion and the religion of your fathers and grandfathers?’ Then he (the man) disobeys him and becomes Muslim.
“Then he lies in wait on the path of Hijrah and says, ‘Will you migrate and leave your land and sky?’ The one who migrates is like a horse on a long rope.’ Then he (the man) disobeys him and migrates for the sake of Allah.
“Then he lies in wait on the path of Jihaad and says, ‘Will you engage in Jihaad and strive with yourself and your wealth, and fight and be killed, so your wife will remarry and your wealth will be shared out?’ Then he (again) disobeys him and engages in Jihaad.
“Whoever does that, will deserve to be admitted to Jannah by Allah. Whoever is killed will deserve to be admitted to Jannah by Allah. Whoever is drowned will deserve to be admitted to Jannah by Allah. Whoever is trampled by his riding beast will deserve to be admitted to Jannah by Allah.” [Sunan an-Nasaai]
Shaytaan is not content with calling people to sin and disobedience; he also prevents them from obeying Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) in doing good. He starts with trying to prevent a person from accepting Islam, then he tries to prevent him from moving to the lands of Islam, and ends with trying to keep him away from Jihaad. He does not leave any of the ways of goodness that a slave of Allah could follow, but he lies in wait on the path and attempts to block it and make us deviate.
“A horse on a long rope” means to be attached to one’s homeland.
This hadith also clarifies that one doesn’t have to be killed by the enemy to be admitted to Jannah. If one has managed to defy Shaytaan and walks in the path of Jihaad, that is enough for Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) to admit him to Jannah.